Use Clarifai’s Workflow API to Predict With Multiple Models

Selynna Sun
Major League Hacking
5 min readDec 31, 2018


Many machine learning models only allow you to train using one target attribute. Enter Clarifai’s Workflow feature: it allows you to use up to five different models to analyze an image.

If you don’t already know what Clarifai is, it’s a powerful computer vision AI platform. One of its many features is Workflow, which allows you to predict using up to five models. Follow along with the source code on GitHub!

Create Your Clarifai Application and Workflow

Before we get started, make sure that you have signed up for a free Clarifai account. Then you’ll need to create a new application:

Click “Create app”, select your new application from the application list, and find the API key dropdown. This API key allows you to utilize your Clarifai app — we’ll be using it a little bit later.

Under the Workflow dropdown, click on “Create Workflow”.

This is where we’ll be creating our new workflow, with multiple models! Fill in the workflow ID with something descriptive — we’ll be using this in our code. Under “Model”, add in up to five different models you want to analyze a picture with, and then click “Save Workflow”.

Find all of Clarifai’s public models here:

Great! Now that everything has been set up, let’s dive right into the code.

Prepare HTML and CSS

Make an HTML file called index.html. In it, you’ll be putting this code:

In the <head>, we linked five different things: a CSS file (for styling our page), a font, the Clarifai JavaScript SDK, JQuery (to make some JavaScript functions a bit easier), and our JavaScript file containing all of the processing.

In the <body>, we have three different components: a file upload button so we can upload an image from our computer, a placeholder div for our image analysis, and a placeholder div for the photo.

When you run it, you’ll only see the title and a file upload button. Don’t be concerned that certain elements are missing! We’ll get the rest there shortly.

But first, we want spice up our page a little bit by adding CSS into style.css. This is where the font comes in handy! Here is the CSS we’re using:

The CSS ensures that the image analysis and the photo are side by side, for more convenient viewing. Again, you won’t be able to see anything on the page besides the title and the file upload button.

Connect it All With JavaScript

This is where all of the processing and behind-the-scenes work will be happening. Create index.js with the following code:

Remember the API key and Workflow ID that we had on the applications page? Copy and paste the API key into the index.js file where it says YOUR_API_KEY, and the Workflow ID where it says YOUR_WORKFLOW_ID.

There’s a lot in this code, so let’s see what each section does. The app is initialized through the new Clarifai.App() function. This allows us to access Clarifai’s workflow predict functions.

Uploading an Image in uploadImage()

Before we start sending data to Clarifai, let’s set up functionality for uploading an image, so that we can analyze photos that we get locally. In a function called uploadImage(), we’ll be using document.querySelector to get the file uploaded by our <input type=”file”> in the HTML. Then we use JavaScript’s FileReader to parse the uploaded image into a base64 string, which then gets placed in the <img> element in the HTML. Finally, we can take that same image object and feed it into our predictFromWorkflow function, containing the Clarifai processes. If the file goes through, we set the CSS of the image div to display: inherit.

Using Clarifai’s Workflow Predict API in predictFromWorkflow()

Now, let’s move on to predictFromWorkflow(). We’ll be calling Clarifai’s app.workflow.predict() to use the workflow we created online. If successful, the response that we receive will give us all information about the image analyzed by the models you selected. We’ll be parsing through each model analysis to display key information. I’ll be using the General, Apparel, Demographic, Celebrity, and Food models, all publicly available on Clarifai.

If we console.log(outputs) and open up our Food Model, it looks a bit like this:

As you can see, outputs contains all information and results from all five models, and we’ll be creating individual entries within the analysis div in the HTML for each model. We get the model name through getModelName(), just to keep our main function neat. It’s pulling this information from the output’s model’s name/display name.

Customizing Output for Different Models in getFormattedString()

We’ll be creating a custom formatted string that suits each category. For example, for our general model, we’ll want to say something like “The 3 things we are most confident in detecting are…”, and for celebrity identification, we’d want to say “The person in this picture we are confident in detecting is…”. All of this information is customized, so we will be processing individual cases through the function getFormattedString(), where it checks with all public models through if statements. Some models have different ways of displaying data, and those if statements handle each individual case (it’s why the function looks daunting!).

Clarifai usually returns around 20 potential relevant attributes it detects (e.g. Celebrity model returns 20 potential celebrities, Food model returns 20 potential foods), but in our case, we’ll be making information easily digestible with only the top three concepts generated. However, this is something that you can change and customize in your code!

Once all that information is gathered, we can append it to the HTML, and it’ll end up looking something like this:

Our end result!

Now that we have all the information, we can assume that this image contains an adult man that is probably Gordon Ramsey. He’s white and masculine, around 47 years old, and is wearing a watch. The food he is holding is most likely a vegetable (not so sure about this, though).

Next Steps with the Workflow API

The Workflow API feature is extremely helpful if you’re trying to predict images based on multiple models, instead of just one. It creates ease of access for the user! It’s also not just limited to public models. You could train your own custom models and use them, as well. You’re well on your way to becoming a machine learning master.

